Feeling the Frazzle

MidLifer Chronicles 13

Overdoing it

Last week I wrote about feeling the pressure to train more and harder for the impending competition (now under three weeks away!). I have found that I did give in to that pressure and train more than I would usually. I added in some additional running to go with the training too. In my head I was getting ahead of the game for my October Kielder marathon.

And, yes it was too much. Not massively so. I have come to learn what my warning signs are and whilst I went through the Amber warning light, I did realise that I needed to take a couple of days off and rest. Training crossfit 5 days in a row, along with a run and a cold plunge in my son's ice pod, was probably (read: definitely) a bit much.

This is the thing about this health journey. It's not about the diet, or the plan - they matter obviously. But, it's about the headspace and the self-imposed pressures.

I do make sure not to set myself up as the finished article or to have a simple system, etc, but sometimes, it would be nice to be a little more finished than the incomplete article I am.

I write that knowing, however, that this is the journey. The work is not in the gym (ok it is too), it is in the day-to-day recognising when my mind gets in the way.

So, I'm feeling a little frazzled, but reflecting on the old all or nothing me, I have come a long way. I recognise when I am pushing at my limits a lot sooner now.

Making Improvements

And, the good news is, I can see that I am getting fitter. Despite being tired, I have seen small things improving in the gym. And that is brilliant!

That actually is far more fulfilling to track than the number on the scales. I can string together 8 double-under skips now. A long way of 30 or 40 that often feature on the whiteboard, but it wasn't long ago I couldn't do one without tangling up my feet in the skipping ropes. I can now do 3 pull ups, something which seemed would always elude me.

This is where the day to day wins are and I need to make sure I recognise those and celebrate them.

It's so easy to focus on what I'm not doing, how poor I am at x, y or z.

This week I am going to concentrate on just doing the basics and not adding in anything. The training works and doesn't need anything else. And I'll perform how I perform on the day in the competition - it'll be a cool day whatever happens.

It's all an adventure.

I just need to remember to be present to it and enjoy it more.

My question this week is, how do you know when you are overdoing it? What can you do to moderate that and build in the space to recharge, and refocus. This is a marathon not a sprint, so move forward at a pace that means you can do the distance.

Find Out More

In the meantime, check out the podcast to check out the episodes and if you want to learn more about the support I offer in relation to helping you achieve your health and weight loss goals sustainably, visit the Academy or learn more about my more intensive Re-Shape Accelerator programmes, designed to help you to get your health back on track and establish lifelong habits for a more fulfilling midlife.

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Dave Algeo, Restless Mid-Lifer
'It is never too late to get life back on your terms and have even bigger adventures!'

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